The Council
What does Linton Parish council do?
The Council represents the community in matters affecting the parish. This includes:
- Liaising with Craven District Council, North Yorkshire County Council & the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority on various matters (e.g. highways, footpaths, transport)
- Commenting on planning applications
- Responding to consultations
The Council maintains and improves parish owned property. This includes:
- Contracting the grass cutting on the Village Green
- Looking after the benches, bus shelters, Village Green and notice boards
- Providing a small number of street lights in Linton village
- Carrying out enhancement projects. In recent years this has included renovating both bus shelters, installing new benches on the Green and renovating the Clapper Bridge.
The Council also supports local community groups and events.
What does the Council not do?
Parish Council powers are limited and many of the issues that affect the parish do not come under our remit. However, if you come to us with any matter that is not our direct responsibility we will still do our best to help you and point you in the direction of the right local authority.
The Council does not:
- Make decisions on planning applications: Contact Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority on 0300 4560030
- Potholes and highways: Contact North Yorkshire County Council on 01609 534527
- Waste collection and dog waste bins: Contact Craven District Council on 01756 700600
- Public footpaths/ bridleways: Contact Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority on 0300 4560030
Linton Parish Council works hard to protect, maintain and improve the parish for the benefits of all the residents. If you have any comments or ideas, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
How do I raise an issue with the Parish Council?
Councillors are around the village and are happy to listen to anyone who wishes to raise a point. Formal contact can be made by contacting the clerk