Linton News

November 2024

Road Closure

North Yorkshire Council have advised of the closure of Lauradale Lane (Catchall end) for 7 days between 25th November 2024 and 1st December 2024 -  the information provided can be found below

XX067003900153827A - Lauradale Lane, Linton

Location: Lauradale Lane, Linton CP, Linton,

Description of works: Road closure for Northern Gas Networks to undertake cathodic protection works

The Restriction will be in place for a period of 7 days between 25th November 2024 and 1st December 2024

The Road Restriction and any associated traffic management can be viewed using this URL link

Police and Crime Plan and Fire and Rescue Plan consultation

The Mayor of York and North Yorkshire is inviting you to have your say on the York and North Yorkshire Police and Crime and Fire and Rescue Plans as part of the regional consultation on priorities in these areas for the next four years.

These plans will set the strategic direction and priorities for North Yorkshire Police and North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service to ensure the best service for the communities of York and North Yorkshire.

It is really important that these plans reflect local priorities and public opinions. The consultation is open for 6 weeks, from Monday 7 October 2024 until Monday 18 November 2024.

Please share your own views by visiting and completing the survey. 

July 2024

Village Party  - the duck race held at the party in June raised £184.70 for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. A big thank you to everyone who supported this.

North Yorkshire Council has a consultation about household waste and proposals for future changes to recycling collections, which runs for 10 weeks until 16 September.

People can take part and fill in the survey – the online version is at

February 2024


North Yorkshire Council wants to hear your experiences, so that they can look at how to reduce the amount of food waste and make healthy food more accessible. They want people living and working here to be involved – please fill in the Let’s Talk Food survey (running until 1st April 2024). The Let’s Talk Food survey is part of the wider conversation that has been taking place about food in North Yorkshire, looking at the whole food system - from how we grow food, what we grow, to what we buy and eat and how much we throw away


North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board has written a new joint local health and wellbeing strategy for the county, which sets out the proposed priorities for action, and ideas for working together to achieve them. The aim of the joint local health and wellbeing strategy is to improve people’s health and reduce health inequalities. The Board is taking the draft strategy out for public consultation until 31st March 2024. There are several ways to take part, including a survey (with easy read version), on-line events and informal drop-in events at local libraries. The strategy documents, the survey and event details are available on the council’s consultation web page, and paper copies will be available from libraries:


North Yorkshire Council have drafted an all-age substance use strategy with support from a range of partner organisations working together to reduce the harms associated with substance use. The public consultation on the draft strategy launched the 2 February 2024, and will be running until 30 April 2024. Details of the full strategy, accompanying short video and online survey can be found here:

North Yorkshire Council has commenced a consultation on proposed changes to the Council’s Home to School Travel Policy. The consultation closing date is Friday 12 April. Information with an on-line survey can be found here : 

January 2024

YDNPA would like you to know that the first public consultation  on updating the Yorkshire Dales National Park management plan has been launched. The consultation period ends on Monday 26th February 2024.
The online survey to complete to respond to the consultation can be found here.

YDNPA Farm Conservation Team at the Authority are holding a series of free evening events through February for farmers, land-owners, and land-managers. Details on the venues and dates are listed on their events page- These free to attend, no obligation meetings will cover the latest updates for Countryside Stewardship, Higher Level Stewardship (HLS), The Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI), Environmental Land Management (ELM) Schemes, Catchment Sensitive Farming (CSF), the Farming in Protected Landscapes (FiPL) programme, Woodland grants and other available opportunities.


Entrance gate to the plantation

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